A timeline for major historical events that are recorded in the Bible. The years listed below are approximate. Click on any headline below to read more about that event:
In the beginning: God creates the world and everything in it
2000 BC: God chooses Abraham as part of God's plan of salvation
2000 BC: The near-sacrifice of Abraham's son Isaac
2000 BC: God chooses Abraham to be forefather to the promised Messiah
2000 BC: God promises to Abraham are passed down to Isaac
2000 BC: God promises to Abraham are passed down to his grandson Jacob
1898 BC: Joseph is sold into slavery
1876 BC: Israelites arrive in Egypt
1400 BC: Moses begins writing the Old Testament
1400 BC: Israel establishes itself as a country
1400 BC: Israel is ruled by judges - not kings
1050 BC: Saul becomes Israel's first king
1010 BC: David becomes King of Israel
970 BC: Solomon becomes king; builds Temple
926 BC: Israel divides into two kingdoms: Kingdom of Judah and Northern Kingdom of Israel
721 BC: Assyrians conquer the Northern Kingdom of Israel
612 BC: Babylon conquers Nineveh (Assyrian Empire)
605 BC: Babylon exerts influence over Judah
586 BC: Babylon destroys Jerusalem and Temple
586-573 BC: Babylon king Nebuchadnezzar attacks Tyre
539 BC: Cyrus the Great conquers Babylon
538 BC: Cyrus releases Jews from Babylonian Captivity
536 BC: Work begins to rebuild Temple
516 BC: Second Temple is dedicated
333 BC: Greeks begin rule over land of Israel
331 BC: Alexander conquers Tyre (Phoenician Empire)
250 BC: The Old Testament is translated into Greek
175 BC: Greek ruler Antiochus Epiphanes torments the Jews
164-63 BC: Jews regain independence for part of their homeland
63 BC: Romans take over land of Israel
About 5 BC: Jesus is born in Bethlehem
About 26 AD: Jesus begins his ministry
About 27 AD: Jesus explains what people need to do to be saved
About 26-30 AD: Jesus performs miracles
About 30 AD: Jesus is executed and resurrected
First Century AD: The writing of the New Testament is completed
70 AD: Romans destroy Jerusalem and Temple
70 AD: Jerusalem ceases to serve as center of worship, fulfilling a prophecy from Jesus
70 AD: The 'trampling' of Jerusalem begins, fulfilling a prophecy from Jesus
136 AD: Romans destroy and plow Jerusalem
After 136 AD: Worldwide Jewish diaspora begins, fulfilling a prophecy from Jesus
1948 (May 14): Modern Israel declares independence
Through present times: Gospel spreads worldwide, fulfilling prophecies from Jesus