612 BC (About 2,600 years ago)
About a century after the Assyrian Empire conquers and destroys the Northern Kingdom of Israel, the Neo-Babylonian Empire rises and conquers the Assyrians.
The Babylonians first establish independence for the city of Babylon in about 626 BC, by fighting the Assyrians.
Then, in 612 BC, the Babylonians deal a severe blow to the Assryrian Empire by conquering its main city, Nineveh.
A few years later, in 609 BC, the Babylonians defeat the last Assyrian king.
At this point, the Babylonians have an empire that includes much of the land between the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean Sea, including the land of Israel and the Kingdom of Judah in southern Israel.
At this time, the Babylonian armies are a coalition of Babylonians, Scythians, Medes and others. As explained by the prophet Nahum in the Old Testament of the Bible, Nineveh was to be destroyed because of the Assyrian Empire's treatment of the Israelites and other people.
The history of Israel as the fulfillment of prophecies given by Old Testament prophets is discussed in the book, 100 Fulfilled Bible Prophecies.
Related article: Nahum's prophecies
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