Nebuchadnezzar becomes king of Babylon

605 BC (About 2,600 years ago)

After the death of Nabopolassar, who was the first king of the Neo-Babylonian Empire, his son Nebuchadnezzar becomes king in about 605 BC.

Nebuchadnezzar's first year on the throne proves to be a busy one. He wins the Battle of Carchemish, defeating the Egyptians and their allies, which included the Kingdom of Judah. Soon after, he marches into Judah and forces King Jehoiakim to become a vassal of Babylon.

As part of his subjugation of Judah, he carries out the first of four significant deportations of Jews from Judah. This first deportation includes the prophet Daniel and some members of the royal family. They are taken to Babylon to live as captives, in an attempt to ensure Judah's obedience to Babylon.

The history of Israel as the fulfillment of prophecy is discussed in the book, 100 Fulfilled Bible Prophecies.

Next: Babylon attacks Judah

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