God chooses Isaac to be a forefather to the Messiah

About 2000 BC (about 4,000 years ago)

God made many promises to Abraham that his descendants would inherit the land of Israel and that one of his descendants would be the Messiah.

These are long-term promises that would take generations to fulfill. In Genesis 26:2-5, God reveals that Isaac, who was one of two sons born to Abraham, would be the son who inherits these promises:

2 Yahweh appeared to him, and said, “Don’t go down into Egypt. Live in the land I will tell you about. 3 Live in this land, and I will be with you, and will bless you. For I will give to you, and to your offspring, all these lands, and I will establish the oath which I swore to Abraham your father. 4 I will multiply your offspring as the stars of the sky, and will give all these lands to your offspring. In your offspring all the nations of the earth will be blessed, 5 because Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my requirements, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws.” (Genesis 26:2-5, WEB)

As explained in the book, Jesus the Messiah, by Ray Konig, this prophecy, with the phrase, In your offspring all the nations of the earth will be blessed, points to a worldwide spiritual impact, which points to the promised Messiah. This is a Messianic prophecy.

With this prophecy, Isaac is being told that it would be through him and his descendants that God would work his plan of salvation.

Related articles: Isaac inherits the promises (including the Messiah) that God gave to Abraham and 40 prophecies that show that Jesus is the Messiah

Next: God chooses Jacob to be a forefather to the Messiah

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