Via Dolorosa

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The Via Dolorosa, also known as the Way of the Cross, commemorates the path which Jesus walked while bearing the cross, from the place of judgment (Praetorium) to Calvary. Art work on Via Dolorosa - photo from It starts at the Church of Flagellation, winds through the streets of Jerusalem into the Christian Quarter, and ends in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. There are 14 stations along the route, and each one marks an event that took place during Christ's last walk before his crucifixion.

Nine of these stations are actually along the Via Dolorosa and five are inside the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Today many Christians walk the route. Every Friday, Franciscan monks lead groups of Christian pilgrims from around the world, to retrace these steps.

Here is the list of the 14 stations:

1. Jesus is condemned to death.

2. Jesus receives the cross.

3. Jesus falls the first time.

4. Jesus meets his mother.

5. Simon is made to bear the cross.

6. Veronica wipes the face of Jesus.

7. Jesus falls the second time.

8. Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem.

9. Jesus falls the third time.

10. Jesus is stripped of his garments.

11. Jesus is nailed to the cross.

12. Jesus dies on the cross.

13. Jesus is taken down from the cross.

14. Jesus is taken to the Sepulchre.

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